《相声大电影之我要幸福》2.0如同片名故事的核心是主角对"House of Gucci"的执念、资本主义的改朝换代而非目前翻译的“家族” 雷德利·斯科特对美术和“格调”的依赖造成了导演层面的懒惰配上维基百科式的剧本呈现和被过度放任的表演古典和坎普的部分互不相容让电影只透出一种尴尬的平庸不过还是比《玖玖影院》要好点……
像极了我在法国时的生活环境竟有点怀念女主说“Every single of my ex’s now married! Men go out with me, we break up, and then they get married! And later they call me to thank me for teaching them what love is, and, and that I taught them to care and respect women! Why didn't they ask me to marry them? I would have said "No," but at least they could have asked!”笑哭